Date(s) - 04/15/2018 - 04/21/2018
All Day
Each year interested amateur radio operators come together on the airwaves to cause a greater awareness of Native American culture. The theme this year is the Green Corn Festival. This is a festival of giving of first fruits of the harvest. The annual POW-WOW will be held on April 20-21 at the Willie Hinton Park in Petal.
Each station is encouraged to be on the air from April 15-21 from your own station on your own schedule using the special event callsign W0W. All bands and all modes are open to operate. In order that two stations do not operate the same mode on the same band simultaneously, we ask you call Larry Morgan at PH 601-606-9463, or, when you are about to operate any voice mode. Larry will know what bands are open for voice modes on that day/hour. Call Curt Waites, N5CW at 601-329-6531, or if you want to operate any CW or a digital mode. The operating mode is similar to Field Day, calling CQ and waiting for answers. Special event callsign W0W will be assigned to our event April 15-21. If you want to become more familiar with the theme of the event, you can go to the QRZ page, during the event period, for broader information.
Call or email me if you have any questions.
Curt Waites – N5CW