2016 ARRL Field Day


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Most of the 2016 599DXA Field Day Crew... Standing L-R: Glenn/K2FF, Jim/AE5SK, Joe/AB5OR, Randy/W5UE, Bobby/K5DRI, Skip/W5GAI. Sitting L-R: Tor/N4OGW, Jim/W5ZRK, George/N5GH, Curt/N5CW and Ken/K5WK. Not shown but just as important to our effort were: Horace/KB5HC who grilled us a great lunch of burgers and dogs Saturday. Bill/KB5DJX who operated some SSB. “G.I. Joe” Livingston who is always a GREAT help with setup/takedown and of course Floyd/N5FG who delivered biscuits for breakfast on Sunday and provided a much needed morale boast to the team...

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